Start the school year with healthier choices and an opportunity to WIN from a record prize pool worth $18,000
It’s as simple as snapping a photo of your child’s healthier lunchbox as part of our search for Australia’s Healthier Lunchboxes, with partner Woolworths.
PLUS if your child’s lunchbox wins, their school does too!
There will be six winning families selected who will receive a Woolworths e-gift card valued at $1,000 each. Their school will also receive a Woolworths e-gift card valued at $2,000.
You’re not alone!
Healthy Harold and Woolworths will be providing free tips, inspo and resources to help – from budget-friendly recipes, to colourful activities you can do at home with kids to spark healthier conversations.
Because when we make healthier choices, we can go, grow and glow – like Healthy Harold teaches in Life Ed’s nutrition-based modules.
Healthy Lunchbox Tips & Tricks
- How healthy is the school lunchbox? (looking at 5 food groups based on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating)
- How practical is the school lunchbox to take to school each day?
- How appealing is the school lunchbox for the kids to eat?