Our Mission

Our mission:
To empower children and young people to make safer and healthier choices through education.
Our vision:
Healthy Australians living to their full potential.
At Life Ed, we believe every child deserves to thrive. Equitable access to health education is important to us. That is why we are striving to reach more children every year, via our mobile learning centres (vans), pop-up classrooms, in-class delivery and via virtual and online lessons.
Because we know that the biggest impact happens early in childhood. Children learn their core values at a young age. Tackling tomorrow’s issues today leads to solutions to some of our biggest problems, such as chronic disease and mental ill health.
We teach children and young people aged 3-13 the health, safety and wellbeing skills to make better decisions throughout their lives, creating a holistic impact on their long-term health.
We also believe education should be backed by evidence. Our health, safety and wellbeing program aligns to the Australian curriculum and key frameworks. It is also independently verified by external research and continuously tested on the ground by 120+ education specialists.
And we know learning is more memorable when it is fun and engaging. Our research has shown us that memorable learning happens when expertise is combined with a fun and engaging experience. One of the tools we use is Healthy Harold to help teach important lessons that resonate with kids aged 3-13.
Importantly, we acknowledge that we can’t do it all on our own. As it says in the old proverb, ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ Together, with parents, teachers, and children we are creating positive life-long health outcomes.

Our commitment to child safety
From tailoring lesson plans and resources with teachers, through to keeping abreast of all school and emergency protocols, our expert Educators and staff are specially trained to ensure the needs of all children in our care are met.
In addition to this, we carefully track and manage all worker accreditation through the reputable Oho online system. This allows us to ensure everyone who is on our team is 100 per cent compliant with all important checks and clearances – including Working With Children Checks – so you can be 100 per cent confident that your child is safe while they are learning with us.