Harold's Friend Ship
Foundation / Early Stage 1 / Kindergarten /
Prep / Reception / Transition
Prep / Reception / Transition
Students join Harold and his friends Red and Boots as they explore the benefits respectful relationships can have on our wellbeing, qualities of a good friend, and how to manage their feelings and emotions.
In this module, students learn to recognise the importance of relationships and gain skills to seek help in a variety of situations. They have opportunities to practice strategies to manage their feelings and emotions.
Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.
Learning outcomes include:
Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.
Learning outcomes include:
- How to build respectful relationships
- Recognising and identifying emotions and body clues
- Strategies to manage different feelings and emotions
- Protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies
Step 1: Pre-lesson
To be completed with your class before the Life Ed visit.
Harold’s Friend Ship – Tuning In Lesson – Making Friends
Students will actively think about friendships, making friends and all the emotions that happen along the way. They’ll also develop their skills of self-awareness and social awareness. The idea of friendship as a journey is introduced and students will learn how to be a good friend and have a good friend.
Activities include: • think, pair, share • class votes • acting out ideas and actions • guided reflection
40 - 45 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
School Lesson
Pre lesson – An Overview for Parents
Step 2: Life Ed Visit
To be completed with your class after the Life Ed visit.This is the core part of the program. If you have booked a visit with Life Ed, this will be delivered in the Mobile Learning Centre or in your classroom by a specialist Life Ed Educator.
Step 3: Post Visit
To be completed with your class after the Life Ed visit.
Harold’s Friend Ship – Extending Lesson 1 – Keeping Friends in Tip Top Shape
This lesson gives clear information and practical ideas to help friendships grow and stay strong. Students will develop their self-awareness, social awareness and relationships skills. Topics include kindness, respect, effective communication, apologising and showing concern for the feelings of others.
Activities include • brainstorming • voting • modelling language • talk, think, listen • sample conversations • acting out emotions • at home extension
30 - 40 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
School Lesson
Harold’s Friend Ship – Extending Lesson 2 – Helping Friends
The goal of this lesson is to reinforce ways to say and do things that make and maintain positive relationships. Students will be engaged in considering ways that friends might help each other, and a class ‘Kind-ometer’ is introduced to encourage kindness in the classroom. Being kind is catchy!
Activities include • pair discussions • value statements • think, pair, share • acting • scaffolding of effective communication • at home extension activity
30 - 40 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
School Lesson
Step 4: Booster Sessions
The Booster sessions videos and discussion guides are the last part in the 4-Step program. A discussion guide with questions and suggested answers is attached with each booster session video below. To meet all of the outcomes for this module, teachers are encouraged to use the discussion guides to extend student learning and observe student understanding of the content covered.
Harold’s Friend Ship – Session 1 – Being a Good Friend
3…2…1… BLAST OFF! Harold prepares to fly into space in a home-made rocket ship in this adventure, as kids visit key friendship concepts like kindness, sharing, listening and honesty. The lesson finishes with some healthy stretches and some games of ‘Let’s Pretend’.
15 - 20 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
Video Lesson
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Harold’s Friend Ship – Session 2 – Feeling Good & Safe
The space trip is AMAZING but Red starts to feel scared. Common symptoms that happen when people feel worried or scared are considered, such as sweating, plus increased heart rate and breathing. Kids are encouraged to listen to their bodies and talk to an adult if they feel safe or anxious. The kids and Harold identify 5 safe adults in their lives.
15 - 20 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
Video Lesson
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Harold’s Friend Ship – Session 3 – Asking for help
Harold suggests a game of ‘make believe’ to stop Red feeling scared. Other things that can be a comfort are resting, snuggling up in a blanket, a good book or a favourite toy. The video finishes with a game of ‘Feeling Charades’ where kids act out different feelings, while considering how to help friends through these difficult feelings.
15 - 20 minutes - Depending on duration of discussion
Video Lesson
Discussion Guide (PDF)

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