Ways to Get Involved

Think Twice

Year 5 / Year 6

Using hypothetical and real life video scenarios and animations, this module tackles the tough topic of alcohol in an age-appropriate way. It explores the impact of alcohol on individuals and the community.


Think Twice tackles the topic of drinking alcohol and students explore concepts such as the effect that alcohol has on body systems, myths and facts about alcohol, laws relating to its sale and reasons why people choose not to consume alcohol. Exploring a range of issues around the social, legal and physical consequences of alcohol consumption.

Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a multi-modal learning pathway! So make use of the whole pathway… the pre visit lesson; the Life Ed Educator visit; the 2 post visit lessons; and the parent communication.

Learning outcomes include:
  • Strategies to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on themselves and others.
  • Myths and facts surrounding the use of alcohol
  • Physical, social & legal consequences of alcohol use
  • Strategies for responding to encouragement or pressure to drink