Ways to Get Involved


Year 5 / Year 6

Relate Respect Connect assists students to understand the importance of friendships by connecting with each other respectfully, and highlighting how to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours to people we trust.


Relate, Respect, Connect empowers students with knowledge to recognise and make positive, informed choices in friendships and relationships. Relate, Respect, Connect equips students with skills and strategies to help them develop safe and respectful relationships - face to face and online in the digital world. This module assists students navigate the changes in friendships that often happen during this transitional stage of life.

Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.

Learning outcomes include:
  • Understanding how to respect ourselves and others.
  • Strategies to help maintain positive online and offline relationships.
  • Identifying characteristics of positive relationships.
  • How to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours.