Ways to Get Involved

My Body Matters

Foundation / Early Stage 1 / Kindergarten /
Prep / Reception / Transition

It’s photo day at school and Harold and his friends Boots and Red want to get to school safely and look their best. This is how they do it!


Children join Healthy Harold to learn about hygiene, healthy foods, the benefits of getting the right amount of physical activity and sleep… plus ways to keep safe at home, at school and in the community. However, while things don’t always go to plan, it’s great to know we can problem solve together.

Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.

Learning outcomes include:
  • The importance of personal hygiene
  • Choosing foods that contribute to health, energy, and growth
  • Benefits of physical activity and sleep
  • Protective behaviours to keep themselves and others safe