Ways to Get Involved

Growing Good Friends

Year 1 / Year 2

Harold battles to figure out what to give his grandma for her birthday, until his friends Boots and Red, step in and offer some good ideas. This animated story highlights the role that positive relationships play in health and wellbeing.


Students investigate the importance of respectful friendships and the benefits they have on our wellbeing. This includes recognising the qualities of a good friend, showing care and concern for others, and practising ways to respectfully ask, give or deny consent to keep ourselves safe.

Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.

Learning outcomes include:
  • Identifying the qualities and attributes of a good friend
  • Recognise the importance of respectful relationships for wellbeing
  • Strategies to seek, give, or deny consent
  • People in our network who support and help us.