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Life Education Online reacher more children with australian interpreter

Sunday, 12 Jul 2020

Healthy Harold’s message is now reaching more than 710 students with hearing impairment across the country, thanks to the inclusion of an Auslan interpreter in our online program.

Throughout the global pandemic, our focus has been to ensure no child misses out on critical health and safety education.

To facilitate an equitable learning environment for children with hearing impairment, thanks to the support of the Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation, our new online program includes Auslan proficiency across all modules.

Two of our Life Ed educators are also training as Auslan-English interpreters, to support our wider team to develop Auslan proficiency for on-site teaching in Life Education vans.

Life Ed NSW/ACT CEO, Jonathon Peatfield said Life Ed is committed to providing equitable and accessible education for all children.

“It is crucially important for students with hearing impairment to be equally set up for success and have their emotional and social needs met”, Mr Peatfield said.

This initiative will empower children with hearing impairment with the excitement of Healthy Harold’s preventative health and safety messages and facilitate an environment that normalises hearing impairment and reduces stigmas across student cohorts

“By innovating our delivery services, we are also able to raise the inclusivity of our programs to meet more diverse student needs.”

Life Ed instils core messages across wellbeing and resilience, positive relationships, nutrition, physical activity, cybersafety, and drug and alcohol prevention.
