Meet specialist Educator Samantha

Whilst Healthy Harold often steals the limelight at Life Ed, it is our team of specialist Educators who are the true stars of the show.
Samantha’s passion for health and nutrition led her to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, majoring in Health Promotion. In her last year of study, she completed an internship with Life Ed NSW/ACT. Two and half years on, she now travels across the Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury area, delivering engaging & evidence-backed education that empowers local kids to make safer and healthier life choices.
“Life Ed NSW continuously sets the bar for teaching young people a range of important topics such as safety, physical health and social and emotional wellbeing. Our program is hands-on, inclusive and fun, and this leaves a lasting impact on students”, says Samantha.

As younger students come through the Life Ed program, Samantha is often reminded of the impact Life Ed has had on previous generations.
“I have had many students tell me that Harold taught their parents when they were in school which always makes me smile”
Samantha strives to create a collaborative learning environment and safe space, and encourage all children in her class build their confidence.
“In one of my first ever sessions as a fully trained educator, one student was really shy and nervous to meet Harold for the first time. After completing some fun activities and watching engaging videos, it was time for the students to give Harold a pat. This student was quite timid but decided they would pat Harold anyway. The pat turned into a really big hug and some tears of joy! That one always makes me feel warm inside!”
“Our updated primary module, Relate Respect Connect is my favourite to teach. It’s designed for students aged 10-12 years and together, we investigate the importance of being respectful in friendships, the changes a young person’s brain will go through and how this may impact thoughts and behaviour. The students also learn how to recognise, react and report disrespectful or unsafe behaviour online.
We discuss the importance of consent in an age-appropriate manner. In particular, why consent is so important to ask for, and listen for, in a friendship. The students are always really engaged and love the content of Relate Respect Connect, which is why I particularly love teaching it!”