Ways to Get Involved

5 Tips Keeping Your New Years Resolutions

Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022
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Research shows that less than 10% of us will achieve our New Year's resolutions. Here are five quick tips to help you keep yours.

1. Excellence. Not perfection

Be realistic in the goals you set. If you’re new to running, a February marathon may not be a good idea. And, remember, no one is perfect – if you make a mistake, learn from it and recommit – each day is a new beginning.

It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up – Babe Ruth

2. “Why” Is Important

Be confident in “why” you set your goals – weight loss for better health or a new job for more family time perhaps? Knowing why you started in the first place, will increase your success rate and your satisfaction when you reach your goal.

It’s important to set your own goals and work hard to achieve them – Yuichiro Miura

3. Re-affirm Yourself Daily

The power of positive affirmations cannot be underestimated. Take a few minutes each day to set your intentions for the day ahead – sticking to your New Year’s resolution.

We know what we are, but know not what we may be – Shakespeare

4. Take ‘baby’ Steps

Don’t be discouraged by the term ‘baby steps’. Knowing we all need to walk before we can run, set small incremental goals that will lead to your success. A marathon may seem insurmountable but being able to run a consistent 5km in February is definitely achievable.

Success is steady progress toward one’s personal goals – Jim Rohn

5. Replace Negativity

Negative thoughts drain energy and motivation. Being aware of these thoughts is the first step, replacing them with positive ones is the challenge. Try writing them down, ripping them up and physically throwing them away. And remember, you don’t have to believe any thought you’ve had.

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind – Joyce Meyer
