Healthy Harold heads to preschool with health and safety message

Children as young as three will learn about online safety, healthy lifestyles and the importance of friendships from a familiar face, with the launch of Life Ed’s new-look early years learning program.
Life Ed and mascot Healthy Harold the giraffe is well-known for its primary school program, teaching children important life skills in physical health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing.
Life Ed has recently launched an updated early years learning program for children aged 3-5, to give them a head start in life at a pivotal time in their development.
The program development was funded by the Australian Government through the ‘Being Healthy, Being Active Grant’, and includes three key learning areas, to build the foundations of health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing in preschool-aged children.
The latest of these lessons, launched this term, is ‘Super Safe Harold’ which features storytelling, music, games, and play to teach young children about safety both online and off – including sun and water safety, road safety, safety around medicines and people who keep us safe.
Life Ed Australia CEO Kellie Sloane said when it comes to safety – online and otherwise – it is never too early to start the conversation.
“Early childhood is a time of rapid change – particularly for the development of a child’s brain. In fact, the size of a child’s brain reaches 90 per cent of an adults by the age of five. These years are critical for lifelong learning and well-being,” Sloane said.
“Our program gives kids a head start in life at a pivotal time in their development, equipping them with the social, cognitive and emotional foundations for future success. Once in primary school, children are ready to continue the education journey with Healthy Harold’s familiar, friendly face, building on the lessons already learned.”
Life Ed’s updated early years learning program is delivered into early childhood centres and preschools by specialist educators, and aligns to the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Framework. It includes online resources for educators and parents, to help extend the learning into the home and classroom. Music, stories and illustrations are by Australian creatives Kial Malone, Katrina McKelvey, and Kirrili Lonergan.
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