Ways to Get Involved

Blow away germ-monsters

Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022

This germ blow painting art is perfect for kids when learning about germs and staying healthy.

You’ll be using paint but not as you normally. Grab a few straws and take a deep breath!

This art activity is great on its own, but also a great way to start conversations with your child a little about germs, washing hands and hygiene while you work.

You will need:

  • Liquid watercolour paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Straws
  • Thick white paper
  • Coloured cardboard
  • Black marker
  • Glue stick


  1. Pour your liquid watercolours into an art palette or paint cups.
  2. Use a paintbrush to add a small puddle of paint onto the paper.
  3. Place the straw about an inch away from the puddle, blowing the paint around in all directions. Try blowing down and from left and blowing from the right. See how many different shapes you can make.
  4. Let the paint dry completely; if you need these done quick, you can use a blow-dryer as well.
  5. Cut circles from the white paper
  6. Use a black marker to draw the eyes onto the circles and glue them to the germs.
  7. Glue the white paper onto a piece of coloured cardboard to finish it off.
  8. That’s all there is to it! Repeat these steps with different colours.

Now you can have fun at home making all sorts of germy artwork and best of all, there’s no need to worry about getting sick from these little germs!
