The need:
1 in 4 children aged 8–12 who completed the eSafety Commissioner’s Youth Digital Participation Survey showed experienced unwanted contact and content while online.
1 in 5 children experienced online bullying-like behaviours in the last month.
Almost half (46%) of children aged 12–13 who experienced at least 1 bullying-like behaviours within a year also used bullying-like behaviours against another child.
What we teach:
- Cybersafety: safe and respectful behaviour when using communication technology.
- Drugs: medicines, alcohol and other drugs.
- Emergency responses.
- Protective Behaviours: body warning signs, support networks, help seeking and reporting, identify and responding to coercive and predatory behaviours.
Primary Pre & Post Program Lessons
bCyberwise – Year 3 / Year 4

This module covers
- How to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours
- Keeping personal information safe online
- Responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology
- Skills for building positive relationships with friends
- Exploring the role of bystanders