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High tech Healthy Harold comes to the New England region

Wednesday, 13 Nov 2019

Children from Uralla Central School experienced a new look Healthy Harold lesson, thanks to the help of local supporters.

Life Ed and its popular mascot, Healthy Harold the giraffe are well known among children from the New England and surrounds as a regular feature in local schools, teaching students about the benefits of healthy lifestyles.

Over the past 10 years 46 schools and 32,564 students from the region have benefited from the program, learning about healthy eating, physical activity, cyber safety, respectful relationships, and drug and alcohol prevention.

Life Ed Educator, Ruth van der Wegen, with Uralla Central School students

A $22,000 grant from Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation will keep Life Ed’s programs on the move to reach another generation of primary school students in the New England region.

The funds have contributed to the refurbishment of the local Life Ed van, including the installation of a new ESmart touch screen so children can enjoy an updated, new-look Healthy Harold lesson.

The Charitable Foundation has been a long-time supporter of Life Ed in NSW, funding almost $600,000 over the past 15 years for projects in regional NSW which have included refurbishing vans, subsidising program delivery, and for the purchase of two tow trucks.

Children from Uralla Central School had the opportunity to test out the new van, and enjoy a lesson about the human body via Life Education’s new augmented reality app, TAM-e.

Launched earlier in the year, TAM-e is a software tool which includes 3D and augmented reality fly-throughs of the human body, including the effects of drugs, tobacco and alcohol on the body.

Life Ed NSW CEO Jonathon Peatfield was at Uralla Central School to see the students engaging with the new technology and to thank the Charitable Foundation for their continued support.

Life Ed NSW CEO, Jonathon Peatfield, visiting Uralla Central School

“Having grown up in regional NSW outside of Uralla, I remember how much impact Healthy Harold had on me at school, so I am thrilled that we continue to bring our updated Life Education program to children in the region. By engaging children in a space that excites and interests them, TAM-e along with Healthy Harold provides a memorable learning experience that will stay with them for life,” Jonathon said.

Assistance from the local community and volunteers is vital to ensure that children in the area can continue to benefit from Life Ed’s health and safety lessons.

Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation Executive Officer, Graham Batten said that providing opportunities for young people to access information and develop healthy lifestyles aligned well the Charitable Foundation’s mission.

“Children in regional and rural communities should have access to the services that give them the best start in life. The Charitable Foundation supports the Life Ed program because of its proven ability to reach so many children in our region and deliver an important message about healthy choices,” Graham said.
