How to talk to your kids about...Sex, with our panel of experts - Top tips for parents & carers!

In this episode, Dr. Tess Opie from inyourskin is joined by our three experts: Vanessa Hamilton, Anne Atcheson and Dr Jacqui Hendriks PhD to give you their top tips for parents & carers on how to talk to your kids
This is episode 4 of a 4-part series dedicated to sexual health for tweens and teens. This series is for all the parents, carers and important people in young people’s lives that want to get some answers to all of those tricky questions we have around:
- What’s happening in their world?
- Top tips on what to watch out for.
- What the research is telling us is actually going on.
Huge thanks to the experts that gave us their insights and expertise on this topic

Who is Vanessa Hamilton?
“For more than 25 years I have worked as sexual health nurse and educator and now help teachers and parents educate children and young people.” Vanessa Hamilton
Vanessa Hamilton is a renowned sexuality, respectful relationships and consent educator. She is the founder of the education business; Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education. She is a highly regarded author, speaker, writer and educator. She educates and supports teachers & parents to be the main, positive, source of information for children. With more than 25 years of experience as a sexual health nurse and over 18 years as an educator, and mother of three teens, Vanessa has had tens of thousands of conversations about sex and sexuality.

Who is Anne Atcheson?
Anne Atcheson is a member of the EveryBODY Education Team at Sexual Health Victoria which runs sexuality education workshops for communities and medical professionals. Specifically, Anne works as an educator in the Schools and Community Team, running education sessions for all year levels, which explore bodies, growing up, puberty, sex, reproduction and relationships. Anne is also the host of ‘Doing IT’ – a podcast produced by Sexual Health Victoria which supports parents, carers and teachers navigate the world of Relationships and Sexuality Education.

Who is Dr Jacqui Hendriks?
“Throughout my entire career, I have been strongly focused on the health (and in particular the sexual health) of adolescents and young people”
Dr Jacqui Hendriks is affiliated with the Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health in the School of Public Health at Curtin University. For the past 15 years, Jacqui has worked in research, for various departments at both the University of Western Australia and Curtin University. She currently lectures in the Sexology Program at Curtin University, supervises PhD and Masters students and is involved in various research projects. Jacqui has a strong background and interest in sexual health as it applies to young people and the various groups who support them, such as families, schools and health services.
Jacqui currently manages the Curtin University RSE Project, which seeks to train and support educators to deliver school-based relationships and sexuality education.