Early Years Learning Parent Flyer
The parent flyers will tell you what your child learned and how you can help them consolidate and apply their new knowledge at home.

Being involved and having positive conversations about what your child is learning helps extend teaching outside the classroom, and assists them to consolidate their understanding of concepts.
Early Years Learning
This flyer will tell you what your child learned and how you can help them apply their new knowledge.

Harold's Healthy Day
Harold's Healthy Day is one of Life Ed’s new programs supporting preschool children to develop and build skills that encourage a healthy lifestyle. The program is targeted at 3-5-year-old children and focuses on nutrition, hygiene, physical activity, the importance of sleep, rest and connections.

Harold's Big Feelings
Harold's Big Feelings is one of Life Ed’s new programs supporting preschool children to build social and emotional wellbeing skills and knowledge. The program is targeted at 3-5-year-old children and focuses on emotional literacy, emotional regulation, friendship and connection and help seeking.

Super Safe Harold
This exciting NEW program covers all areas of safety including wearing seatbelts, sun safety, safe play, water safety, safety with medicines and safety online. It also teaches children about the idea of connections, including people who keep us safe and building help seeking skills, developing children’s agency to ensure the safety of themselves and others.