Early impact put on hold

Funding for the 2nd year of the 2 year partnership to provide early preventive health and safety education to children in the Kwinana/Rockingham area was approved in January 2020.
Funding is for schools classified as low socioeconomic and involves around 2,500 students, with schools booked for terms 2, 3 & 4 2020, however, this project has not been placed on hold due to Coronavirus and Life Ed WA will wait until schools commence incursion.
Pinjarra Refinery
Life Ed WA has partnered with the Pinjarra Refinery in the past for schools located in the Pinjarra area, however, in January 2020 approval was given by Alcoa Pinjarra Refinery to expand our reach to children located in the Pinjarra and Mandurah district with an increase in funding.
Not only an increase in funding, but a 3-year funding agreement was signed which will give the children of both those regions a great opportunity to engage with the Life Education programs over 3 consecutive years.
The Coronavirus outbreak has placed a hold on all school incursions and this project will recommence when the time is suitable.