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Go Bananas Day at school 2024

Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

On October 16th, primary schools and early learning centres across Australia will be joining Healthy Harold to celebrate ‘Go Bananas Day at school’ – a fun initiative that inspires healthy eating habits and champions the many nutritional benefits that make Australian bananas so a-peeling.

Children and young people who have met Life Ed’s popular mascot, Healthy Harold, will know that bananas are the much-loved giraffe’s favourite fruit.

Developed by Life Ed NSW/ACT, in partnership with Hort Innovation and Australian Bananas, ‘Go Bananas Day’ will see primary students who are participating in the Life Ed program that day, engaging in classroom conversations that raise awareness around the importance of nutrition for wellbeing, and learn about banana health benefits.

Life Ed’s team of 60 specialist Educators will be commencing each Life Ed session with engaging nutrition education content, and interactive banana-themed activities featuring Healthy Harold.

Students are encouraged to kick-start the festivities by joining Healthy Harold and our Educators, in wearing the colour yellow and crazy banana-themed hair.

Australian bananas are a great snack to bring to school. They’re packed with natural carbohydrates, vitamin B6 and potassium – a perfectly balanced blend of nutritional benefits that makes them ideal for restoring tired muscles and supporting optimal brain function.

Download our banana colouring page here

Explore free banana resources

Would you like to participate in Go Bananas Day?
