Healthy Harold joins kids for colour run fun in Parkes
On Thursday, May 9 at Keast Park a sea of colour was seen with many participating in the Healthy Harold Colour Run.
This free, family friendly event aimed to spread awareness about health and mental well-being, spark conversations, ignite interest in positive health outcomes and provide inclusive opportunities for community engagement.
As participants walked, ran or danced their way through the colourful powder they were able to access interactive booths hosted by local organisations.
These booths offered invaluable community insights on health, safety and wellbeing.
Healthy Harold was a favourite with many selfies and group photos being taken all afternoon.
A BBQ was provided by Parkes Rotary Club for all attendees to enjoy after they had their fun through the colourful chalk powder.
Healthy Harold’s Colour Run was a part of Healthy Harold’s Parkes Festival of Health.
This initiative engages over 1550 children across 15 schools and early learning centres in Parkes and its surrounding regions with Life Ed.
With the help of its iconic mascot, Life Ed empowers children and young people with engaging preventative health education that equips young minds with essential skills and strategies for physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Topics explored during the interactive lessons delivered by Life Ed’s specialist Health educators include nutrition, physical activity, personal safety, respectful relationships, cybersafety and positive decisions around drugs and alcohol, including vaping.
Transport for NSW highlighted an important campaign that was promoted throughout the week, National Road Safety Week.
Thursday’s theme engaged the community to think about “how safe is my ride?” and consider safety when choosing a car.
Transport for NSW information booth provided attendees with practical tips and strategies to support young people’s safety on the road.
Healthy Harold’s Colour Run was in partnership with Life Ed NSW and generous support was also seen from Parkes Shire Council, Western NSW Local Health District, Transport for NSW, Parkes Rotary Club, North Park Oval Parkrun, Evolution Northparkes, Parkes Que Club, Western Primary Health Network and Graincorp.