Its Ocsober again challenge yourself for the cause

Ocsober is Life Ed’s major national fundraising initiative each year.
It takes place in October (of course) and asks all Australians to do just two things:
- Give up alcohol for the month of October
- Raise funds by encouraging work colleagues, friends and family members to sponsor them
We rely on the revenue from Ocsober to help us continue to empower Aussie kids so they’ll lead safer and healthier lives. The funds raised support local delivery of vital health education to children in more than 4,000 schools right across Australia.
The goal this year is to raise $470,000 and we hope to achieve that by recruiting at least 5,000 Ocsober participants. In particular, we are approaching Australian businesses to get involved.
How companies can participate in and support Ocsober
- Promoting Ocsober to all staff THIS month (September) with encouragement to take part as an individual or part of a company team
- Asking the company CEO, a senior manager, or another company figurehead to act as an Ocsober
- Corporate Ambassador to lead the campaign within the company
- Promoting Ocsober on the company’s website, creating positive brand alignment, but also showing that you are a business that cares
- Matching any funds raised by staff and donating the amount to Life Education
- Making it FUN e.g. host a gold coin donation/office trivia night / free dress day / BBQ lunch/mocktail event.
- Simply being a proud supporter of Life Ed’s work and encouraging your networks to participate, whether they be suppliers, clients, family or friends.
More than 7 million Australians have participated in the Life Ed program and carry fond memories of their experiences from childhood. We estimate that more than 4 million of these former participants are now employed adults between the ages of 18–35, making Ocsober a meaningful campaign in which to get employees involved. Other staff members outside this bracket are likely to be parents who may know of Life Ed via their children’s recent experiences.
By joining in Ocsober, individuals will be making a real difference in the lives of the next generation of children. And as an added bonus, you will be seen as actively supporting a positive campaign that aims to reduce the impact of alcohol abuse on everyone in our communities – children and adults alike.
Surveys show that over 90% of past participants believe that their involvement in Ocsober had positively impacted their own health…and in many cases, it led them to make ongoing positive lifestyle changes.