Life Ed helps new idea tackle bullying

One of the biggest challenges facing our children today is bullying, both online and off.
Studies show one in four young people are bullied, with children in Year 5 and Year 8 at greatest risk.
A recent online poll conducted by Life Ed found that Australian parents rated online safety as their top concern for their children, and were asking for more help to tackle the issue.
Life Ed NSW CEO* Kellie Sloane spoke with New Idea about how Life Ed is tackling the problem.
According to Kellie, while the problem of bullying has become more complex in an increasing online world, some of the solutions are not new ideas, and in fact good old fashion kindness can go a long way.
“It’s about getting to the root of how to build safe and positive relationships, to develop empathy, communicate respectfully, including how to respectfully disagree with someone,” says Kellie.
Earlier this year, Life Ed, released a brand new module called Relate Respect Connect. Funded by Gandel Philanthropy, we teach children aged 10 to 13 how to build safe and respectful relationships.
This module builds on our popular bCyberwise online safety module aimed at 8 to 10-year-olds, and our junior primary module Growing Good Friends, which lays the foundations for children to explore positive relationships.