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Life Ed NSW announces new curriculum alignment

Wednesday, 13 Jun 2018

To support teachers with the transition to the new NSW K-10 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Syllabus, Life Ed has aligned all 12 of its primary modules to both the new and the existing PDHPE syllabus.

The objective of the new syllabus, due for implementation for years K-6 by 2020, is to support students to:

  • Build, maintain and enhance personal identity and strengths, resilience and respectful relationships.
  • Acquire, apply and evaluate movement skills, concepts and strategies to respond confidently, competently and creatively in a variety of physical activity contexts.
  • Understand the significance of personal, social, cultural and environmental factors that influence health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity.
  • Promote health, safety and wellbeing and increase opportunities to enhance movement and lifelong physical activity for themselves and others.

To engage students in their learning, each Life Ed primary module embraces the five propositions of the new NSW PDHPE Syllabus, including a focus on educative purposes, coming from a strengths-based approach, supporting students to develop health literacy, valuing movement, and including a critical inquiry approach.

Life Ed NSW Schools Partnership Executive Terese Hooper said the new syllabus empowers students to enhance and advocate health, safety and well-being for themselves and others.

“We are excited by the shift in the new syllabus, which focusses on a strengths-based approach to health,” Ms Hooper said.

“Life Ed’s program has long come from a position of positivity, recognising the challenges that face young people and working with them to find solutions. If given support, young people are capable of taking responsibility.”
