Ways to Get Involved

St George foundation grants support

Wednesday, 28 Nov 2018

St George Foundation answered the call so Life Ed WA could partner with Primary Schools to educate children in Low Socioeconomic Areas of the Perth metro area.

Life Ed received one of only 6 Grants approved across Australia in 2018 and the funding has allowed 1,600 children receive valuable Early Health, Drug and Alcohol Preventive education in Terms 3 & 4 2018.

The funding will allow a further 6,400 students during terms 1 & 2 2019 to be educated in these areas which are a real concern for our communities.

Communities in Western Australia like those across Australia are devastated by the high use of Illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol which has devastating effects on families. The good news is that surveys are showing the decline of the use of illegal drugs and alcohol by our youth and Early Preventive Education is one of the major elements in working through this problem.

Quote from a school that has not been able to receive the Life Ed Program until now

“The topics covered were very timely as some of our students had experienced some cyberbullying and as our older students are getting ready for high school, ensuring that they are aware of the importance of having respectful relationships is essential”

With the support of St George Foundation and others, we can continue our work into and beyond 2019.
