Ways to Get Involved

We do things a little different up here

Thursday, 18 Mar 2021

Harold and I are incredibly lucky, each Monday is the start to yet another exciting adventure. Our journey to school is a little different to what you might be used to…

Some weeks we walk, some weeks we drive but some weeks we’re very lucky and get to fly!

Some weeks our trip takes 5 minutes, some weeks Harold reckons they take 500 hours!

Some weeks we zoom through small puddles but some weeks we cross BIG rivers that are home to BIG crocs!

Some weeks we listen to our favourite songs while we chill out before a busy week, some weeks we travel with very special friend’s and get to chitter chatter the whole way.

Some weeks we cruise down one of our great NT highways but sometimes Harold and I get to do my favourite thing and four-wheel drive down muddy tracks.

Even though each week is a mad adventure, there are a few things Harold and I do ALL the time….

We always wear our seat belts, we always drink lots of water, we always eat our vegetables, we’re always kind and there’s ALWAYS happy, friendly faces to meet us when we finally get to community.
