Working together for a safer internet

An amazing invention, there’s no denying the internet holds a firm place in our lives. Amazing as it is, it not always a safe place. Safer Internet Day (SID) is a worldwide event created to help highlight this and empowers individuals and communities with tools for more positive online experiences.
In the spirit of the Safer Internet Day 2019 theme ‘Together for a better internet’, we are joining the eSafety Commissioner, to encourage all Australians to work with their communities to support each other in developing the skills required for navigating the online world – they’re known as the 4Rs of Online Safety.
- Respect – I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated.
- Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong.
- Reasoning – I question what is real.
- Resilience – I get back up from tough situations.
These skills can help us in all areas of life, online and off and play large roles in our Relate, Respect, Connect and bCyberwise modules.
Relate, Respect, Connect equips students with knowledge, skills and strategies to help them develop safe and respectful relationships – face to face and online.
bCyberwise reinforces the importance of being safe, respectful and considered online while helping children understand why being a responsible digital citizen is vital for their own safety and of that of their friends and family.
Pledge for a safer internet
This Safer Internet Day, Healthy Harold has pledged to “continue to make learning about online safety fun”. Use #SID2019 and make your pledge today.