Building Healthy Bones

Did you know babies are born with close to 300 bones – and as we grow into adults, our bones grow together, leaving us with just 206?
Our bodies are pretty amazing – and bones are such an important part.
That’s why Life Ed and Dairy Australia are joining forces this Healthy Bones Action Week (12 to 18 August) to inspire and educate young Aussies about the three simple actions that can be taken to help keep your bones healthy:
- Enjoy calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese and yoghurt
- Get active with some weight bearing exercise – hop, skip or jump to get your joints moving
- Play outside and soak in the vitamin D, while being sun safe
With three simple steps, kids can help ensure their bones can stay in tip-top shape.

Join A Virtual Classroom Session
To celebrate Healthy Bones Action Week, Dairy Australia is excited to invite your class to a free, live interactive session, hosted by bone health specialist and University of Melbourne senior researcher Dr Sandra Iuliano.
Dr Sandra will educate Prep or Kindergarten to Year 7 students on how to keep their bones healthy by following the three steps to building healthy bones.
Participating teachers will be provided with a teacher guide to support further learning and will also have access to Discover Dairy’s free curriculum linked resources. The resources will feature a variety of engaging activities to build-upon the students’ learning from the virtual classroom sessions.
Book your session today
Tuesday 13 August
Time: 9.30am – 10.15am (AEST)
Register for the event here
Thursday 15 August
Time: 2pm – 2.45pm (AEST)
Register for the event here