Ways to Get Involved

Cyber Safety Chatterbox

Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022

Technology and the internet have become an integral aspect of everyday life for children in Australia. It is essential that families work together to ensure that all members are practising safe, respectful and appropriate online behaviour in the home.

A Chatterbox is a great way to help young children understand this and a fun way to engage as a family.


Life Ed has provided the following strategies to enable parents and carers to become role models and guides for positive online behaviour. They will also assist families to communicate with each other about their digital lives.


Trust & Teamwork

  • Tip 1. Create an environment of mutual trust with your child so they feel comfortable talking to you about their online experiences.
  • Tip 2. Work together with your child to discuss responsible online behaviour, appropriate websites and applications.
  • Tip 3. Be involved in how your child uses digital devices.
  • Tip 4. Consider your personal digital behaviour and work at becoming a good role model.


Use Online Tools

  • Tip 1. Be sure you have reputable computer security software with parental controls installed. Filter offensive content and ensure your software receives regular updates.
  • Tip 2. Learn how to report offensive content to the websites and social networks which your child is permitted to use.
  • Tip 3. Help your child create strong passwords that are difficult to crack and change them regularly.


Stay Informed

  • Tip 1. Educate the family on the importance of online privacy and protecting their personal information.
  • Tip 2. Remind your child that people they meet online are strangers.
  • Tip 3. Talk to your child about their online reputation and the consequences of the choices they make.

Life Ed has been endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider (see esafety.gov.au for more information).
