Hand Washing And Why It's Important
Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022

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It's common knowledge but a message worth repeating, washing your hands properly can help prevent the spread of the germs (like bacteria and viruses). As is the case with all healthy habits, developing them at a young age provides life long benefits.
How do I wash my hands properly?
- Wet your hands with water. Warm or cold, just make sure it isn’t too hot for little hands
- Apply enough soap to cover your hands. Antiseptic soap isn’t necessary. If soap isn’t available, hand sanitiser is the next best thing
- Lather up. This step is particularly important (and often overlooked or rushed) – follow the steps below to help combat germs and illness.
- Rinse well with running water and dry thoroughly with a clean towel.
When should I clean my hands?
Instilling regular hand washing as rule can help combat the spread of germs and illness in your home and is especially important:
- before cooking, eating and handling food
- when returning home (eg playing outside or after school or visit to the shops)
- after contact with animals, including family pets
- after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, even if you use a tissue
- after cleaning
- before and after visiting people who are unwell
- before and after visiting hospitals, medical centres or doctors