What Is A Serve?
“So it’s one serving each or equal portions?”
Questions such as this a not uncommon across Australia from both; children and adults. Help your children understand what a serve is with the following activity.
1. Know the facts
The Australian Dietary Guidelines group foods together, these are known as the Five Food Groups; grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy and lean meats. They then identify a serving size in each group that have roughly the same amount of key nutrients and kilojoules.
2. Take the quiz
Don’t worry about the results too much, this is a great way to find out what you need to learn.
3. Time to study
You may be surprised to know that 1 cup of frozen vegetables equals a serve but 1 egg is only half a serve. Take a look at the examples below and take the quiz again (we hope you improve on your results).
- Vegetables and legumes/beans
- Fruit
- Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties
- Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans
- Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced fat
Find out more about the Australian Dietary Guidelines at eatforhealth.gov.au