We know mental ill health often starts at a young age. Half of all the mental health conditions will have presented by age 14.
Let’s empower students to check in with each other and lend support to their peers who might be going through a tough time. These are important life skills.
New Interactive Video Journey for primary schools
This free interactive video invites primary school students to ‘choose their own journey’ while navigating feelings and choices during R U OK? conversations.
Produced in collaboration with R U OK? the video journey features Healthy Harold, joined by two new characters, the ‘Thoughts’, who contemplate the different approaches to various peer-to-peer situations that may arise in the school day. Students will learn personal and social skills and increase their confidence to able to have an R U OK? conversation with a friend.
This interactive video can be completed individually (consider headphones depending on environment) or as a class (you could ask students to vote at each decision point).