Ways to Get Involved

The Life Ed Program

Our empowering program for preschool and primary school children promotes students' physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing.

At Life Ed we believe every child deserves the chance to thrive.

That’s why we have been supporting the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of children and young Australians for over 45 years. We do this by delivering best practice and curriculum aligned programs to more than 5,000 schools each year, reaching around 600,000 students aged 3-13 every year. We partner with schools, and parents, to deliver interactive and fun educational lessons that empower children and young people to make safer, healthier and happier choices.

Our program focus areas

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Early Years Learning program

Early Years Learning Program

Our Early Years Learning Program has three interactive modules that help encourage healthy lifestyles for children aged 3-5.

Primary Program

Consisting of 12 curriculum-aligned modules, our Primary Program will help students achieve the learning outcomes of the Australian Curriculum and state Syllabus.

We have professionally trained educators that come to schools and deliver 3 preschool modules and 12 primary modules. Life Ed has a wholistic approach in covering important curriculum subjects in an integrated way including:

  • How nutrition and physical activity contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Online safety education including strategies for recognising, reacting and reporting predatory or unsafe situations.
  • Strategies to deal with bullying and cyberbullying.
  • Resilience, self-awareness, self-management and social awareness.
  • Respectful relationships and consent.
  • Decisions, peer pressure, responsibility and consequences.
  • Alcohol and other drug education (in age appropriate contexts).
  • Ways to keep safe at home, school and in the community.
+5,000 Schools educated anually
+600K Students participated annually
130 Trained Life Ed Educators nationally

Trusted by schools and families throughout Australia for over 45 years.

We deliver impactful educational services to thousands of children across Australia.