Ways to Get Involved

The Inside Story

Year 3 / Year 4

Harold gives his consent to work with the kid scientists to shrink down and explore how the body systems work together. He wants to better understand the positive impacts that physical activity and good nutrition can have on the body.


This fun interactive lesson is presented as a kid’s TV news program. It follows a team of kid scientists who seek Harold's consent before shrinking him down in size and placing him inside a tiny capsule to travel around inside the body to visit the body systems. Harold reports his findings along the way to the kid scientists; to help students learn how food is processed, the role of nutrients in our bodies, and how the heart and lungs oxygenate blood.

Life Ed programs are not just a visit, they’re a 4-step multimodal pathway! So make use of the whole learning pathway… Harold’s pre-visit lesson; the Life Ed educator visit; 2 post-visit lessons, booster sessions and the parent communication.

Learning outcomes include:
  • The benefits of healthy food for health and energy
  • Function of the body systems; digestive, respiratory, circulatory and others
  • Factors that influence physical health, such as nutrtion, exercise and medicines