The Life Education Foundation
Now, more than ever, the children of Australia need our help to make safer and healthier choices

The Life Education Foundation raises funds to support the ongoing development and growth of the Life Ed program, which will support our commitment to reach hundreds of thousands more children and empower them to make the choices needed to lead safer and healthier lives.
Established in mid-2015, the Foundation was launched at a special reception hosted by their Excellencies, The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) and Lady Cosgrove, at Admiralty House in early September 2015.
Founding donors
We are delighted to have secured the support of the following Founding Donors to the Foundation.

Dick Smith AC
Founding donor

Harry Triguboff AO
Founding donor

Marcus Blackmore AM
Founding donor

Grahame Mapp AM
Founding donor

Paul Wheelton AM
Founding donor

Shaun Bonett
Founding donor