Go Bananas Day at school 2023

On October 25th, Healthy Harold and 14,000 students across Australia united to celebrate ‘Go Bananas Day’ at school.
Life Ed Educators and Healthy Harold donned their most creative banana-themed attire to celebrate the importance of healthy eating habits, and champion the many nutritional benefits that make bananas so ‘a-peeling’.
Children and young people who have met Life Ed’s popular mascot, Healthy Harold, will know that bananas are the much-loved giraffe’s favourite fruit.

The event, organised by Life Ed NSW/ACT in partnership with Hort Innovation and Australian Bananas, aimed to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition for overall wellbeing.
Students actively participated in classroom discussions and engaging banana-themed activities, guided by Healthy Harold and the team. Students were encouraged to kick-start the festivities by joining Healthy Harold and our Educators, in wearing the colour yellow and crazy banana-themed hair.
The day’s festivities were further enhanced by the generous support of Hort Innovation and Australian Bananas, who provided stickers and prizes for the students to enjoy while learning about Healthy Harold’s favourite fruit.